Why am I a Libertarian

Written By Nick Pags


Why am I a Libertarian?  I am a Libertarian because I believe in personal responsibility, personal freedom, & a government that is there to protect us, not rule us.

Libertarians seek a world of liberty and Freedom.  A world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values, or property for the benefit of others.  Individual rights are the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world.  Individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government.

To sum up, Libertarians believe in a small Federal Government that is responsible to protect our country, civil liberties & let citizens live their live as they so choose.

To learn more visit this web site http://www.lp.org/platform

See the Democrats & Republicans are simply two sides of the same coin, bed fellows you may say.

Let’s start with the Republicans.

Republicans claim to be the party of Economic Freedom, National Security, and Morality.  Let me cut your taxes and put more money in your pocket.  I’m the most religious of them all.  We will make our military so strong, no one would ever dare “Mess with the US”.  They don’t care about putting more money back in your pocket.  Do you really think they practice what they preach?  And come on, the US military is already the strongest in the world by a large margin. 

Here is what they are really up to.  Let’s start with tax cuts.  What they are doing here is well, buying your vote.  I’m all for putting more money back into the pockets of Americans, but the pennies that Americans get do not compare to the millions in tax breaks that go to their contributors.  It takes millions (And soon to be billions) to get elected in the US.  So in order to keep the campaign contributions coming in, they will create special tax exemptions (Loop Holes) that benefit their largest campaign donors.  This all happens while your average American is standing in line for pennies, like Oliver begging for more gruel.

The Republicans claim that they are all for a strong military, but the truth is more of the same.  The US government does not build a single military weapon, tank, plane, missile, or what be it.  So where do all of these heavy arm come from you ask?  Well, defense contractors.  Defense contractor is nothing more than a fantasy term for a Private company that builds and sells weapons to you guessed it, the US Government.  So the defense contractors will bank roll a campaign, knowing once elected the money will come back tenfold.  All the Republicans need to do is continue to sell the fear that the US is always under threat of attack.  The truth is if another government has ten planes, then we have thousands.  Think of it this way, the last time the US was attacked by a foreign government was 1941, and the attackers knew it was a suicide mission.  Terrorism you say?  Over the course of human history, no military has ever been able to defeat an ideology. 

Now let’s touch on the Morality factor.  The Republicans claim to be the party of freedom, but every time you turn your head, they are attempting to legislate Morality.  They claim that they live their lives in the godliest way possible.  Jesus said “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”  So if they are so godly, why are they lining their pockets with contributions?  Sure in public you will see them going to church and praise God, but do you really think they live that way.  The truth is, most religious people vote Republican.  This is just an effort to pander to the religious voter.  Just like they do with tax cuts & military spending, it’s just an effort to keep getting elected.

Now on to the Democrats.

Democrats try to appear to be the kinder, gentler party, but truly they are a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Telling you that they will take care of you from cradle to grave.  Oh, that’s bad for you.  We need to regulate that.  Oh, you can’t say that.  You might hurt someone’s feelings.  Oh, you don’t want to work?  Here is some money, don’t worry about it.  Oh, you disagree with us.  Well, then you are a racist.  “I understand your Pain”, was once said.  Well, here is the truth.  They could care less about you.

Here is what’s really happening.  The Democrats in some ways are worse than Republicans.  What Democrats will do is push for these mega social welfare programs claiming they care about the people.  Level the playing field, equal opportunity, make things fair for everyone.  These are some of the buzz terms they use to make it seem like they care.  Truly what they are doing is so sinister it makes what the Republicans do look like a charity. 

Here is their end game.  It’s an effort to stay in power (Get elected).  They will push these huge government entitlements claiming its social justice and a benefit to the people.  What they are really doing is creating a culture of dependency on the Federal Government.  This enslaves the people.  So once you are dependent on that social program, you will vote to keep it.  The issue with this is, it’s completely unsustainable and eliminates personal choice and Freedom.  Truthfully, they are putting their own ambitions ahead of the future sustainability of the people.  How is this unsustainable you ask?  Well here is why it isn't.  In order to sustain this you would have to have enough resources (Money).  Soon enough there will be no resources left for the Democrats to take (taxes) then one of two things will happen.  Government takeover, or total collapse. 

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.  This is as true today as it was in the 19th century.  The issue with the Democrats and their large social welfare programs, are that they do nothing to help the people better themselves.  You can see this best in minority, low income neighborhoods.  Traditionally these areas are governed by Democrats promising free entitlements. Instead of the issues getting better and people working from poverty to prosperity, you see generations of people on government assistance, and social programs.  This insures a Democrat voting population.

You can’t say that, you can’t do that.  Oh, you are a racist.  Political Correctness.  The Democrats do this in an effort to stifle dialogue & resistance.   You can’t lose an argument that can’t be debated.  The best way to control a population is to control their speech.  The other tactic it demagoguery.  Democrats will deploy this strategy when pressed by logic and fact that they cannot dispute.  This was never more evident than when a person would debate against the passage of Obamacare.  If you were against Obamacare, Democrats would call you a racist, heartless and whatever slur they could come up with.  Also, let me remind you "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

In conclusion, the Republicans & Democrats are two ruling classes with different approaches for keeping Americans in line.  They are happy with the status quo.  Tricking the people into thinking that they are working for us.  In the end elected officials are nothing more than Civil Servants.  They work for us, and we need to keep them accountable.  Unfortunately, the Republicans & Democrats do not care about helping the people, just keeping their Civil Servant jobs.


Let me leave you with one of my favorite quotes:


"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. "

Thomas Jefferson